About Me
Pregnancy Help for Older Moms

Almost 12 years separates my two children. When I found out I was pregnant with the youngest, I was stunned. The thought of being pregnant in my 40s terrified me. Being older meant that there was more risk in having a child. I was determined to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. After leaving my OB/GYN's office, I started researching pregnancy tips specifically for older women. During the course of my research, I discovered a lot of older women had questions about being pregnant under these special circumstances. I started this blog to provide pregnancy tips and support to women in their 40s who suddenly find themselves preparing to be a new mom.


4 Benefits Of Taking Bioidentical Hormones

29 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the most challenging stages of life for many women is menopause. This can bring about some unwanted symptoms that can make getting through each day more difficult. The good news is bioidentical hormones can help alleviate these issues when taken on a consistent basis. These types of hormones may hold fewer risks than some of the other hormone treatments that are available. Being aware of the advantages of relying on this medication may be helpful to you. Read More …